The leaders of Cub Scout Pack 255 are committed to providing a quality, year-round program of Cub Scouting activities.
Special emphasis is placed on character development, physical and mental fitness, citizenship, and family.
The Boys Scout of America began Cub Scouting more than 90 years ago, as a program for younger children.
The purposes of Cub Scouting state that parents, leaders and organizations work together to achieve the following:
1. Influence the development of character and encourage spiritual growth.
2. Develop habits and attitudes of good character.
3. Encourage good sportsmanship and pride in growing strong in mind and body.
4. Improve understanding within the family.
5. Strengthen the ability to get along with and to respect others.
6. Foster a sense of personal achievement by developing new interests and skills.
7. Show how to be helpful and to do one’s best.
8. Provide fun and exciting new things to do.
9. Prepare Cubs to advance to Scouts BSA.
Cub Scouts learn and try to live by the following pledge and motto.
We seek to make them real in their lives and hope that you will encourage your Cub Scout as s/he strives to do so.
On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times, and to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.
A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal,
Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful,
Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent.
Like every effective organization, Cub Scout Packs have a structure. Understanding this structure and how it works will increase your Scout’s enjoyment of the program (and have the parent far less confused).
Dens are organized by age/grade groups. We have dens for each group of kindergarteners (Lion), 1st graders (Tiger), 2nd graders (Wolf), 3rd graders (Bear), 4th Graders (Webelos) and 5th graders (Arrow of Light) for boys and girls.
Groups of 4 to 8 Cubs meet together as a Den. Each den is led by registered Den Leaders and assistant Den Leaders, each leader having completed training for that position. Parent attendance and involvement at den meetings is strongly encouraged and will help your Cub Scout as s/he participates in Pack 255.
The Lion and Tiger dens requires an adult to attend each meeting with the Lion and Tiger. It can be Mom or Dad or a trusted adult friend. Den meetings are not held during holiday periods. Cub Scouts is not in session if school is not in session due to weather. Consult with your Den Leader and Pack for clarification. During the summer months, the Dens may meet at other times if the Pack Committee and the Cubmaster approve.
The Scouting Program requires family involvement. We understand that there will be times when a parent cannot attend the meetings but can drop off their Scout for the meeting. Parents should personally walk their Scouts into and out of each den meeting. Leaders will not dismiss Scouts on their own without a parent present. Cubs should not be dropped off at the front door or parking lot. Cubs should be picked up promptly at the end of each meeting.
The Pack consists of all of the Dens and their families. Pack 255 meets as a group monthly for a Pack Meeting or event, and for other special activities (such as Pinewood Derby, Blue and Gold Banquet, etc.). The Pack serves as a ‘parent’ organization to the Dens and provides direction, program support and maintenance of the budget. The Pack is led by the Cubmaster who is a ‘trained’ registered adult volunteer. S/He plans and directs monthly Pack Meetings and other special activities. The Pack can have one or more assistant Cubmasters, also trained, registered volunteers, who provide assistance to the Cubmaster in carrying out the program.
New Scouts: Registration for membership in the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is set by the National Office for each calendar year. During the first year as a Cub Scout, the fee is prorated on a monthly basis up to the month of November, when our Pack “recharters” or renews its commitment to our Chartering Organization and to the BSA. This initial registration amount will be collected when you register your Cub for the first time. These funds go directly to the Heart of America Council and National Boy Scouts of America which provides insurance, planning, support and other services to our Pack.
We currently charter annually from November 1st to October 31st. Each Scout will be eligible to begin working on the next “rank” requirements on June 1st.
All Scouts: We will collect the annual registration fee for the following calendar year in October. Failure to provide the annual fee will result in your Cub losing registration.
Adults in leadership roles: Registered adult member fees are also collected in October.
Advancement in Cub Scouting is a joint effort between Cub Scout, families, and Leaders. Lions through Bears may have completed their requirements for advancement signed off by family member(s) or Den Leader. Families of Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts are encouraged to help the Cubs practice and learn requirements; actual completion is approved and signed off by the Webelos Den Leader. Any questions or requests regarding your Cub’s advancement or awards should be addressed with your Den Leader, Cubmaster, or Committee Chairperson. Please do not submit any advancement requests or awards directly to the Advancement Chairperson. Advancement can be tracked online for your Scout at Your den leader should update which Adventures your Scout has completed or partially completed.
Pack 255 has established the following Code of Conduct to provide Scouts, parents, family members, and adult leaders with a framework of expectations for behavior at all Scouting Events while creating an atmosphere of fun and safety that models the values of Scouting for everyone.
Discipline at Pack 255 Scout functions is at the discretion of the Pack Leadership by the following guidelines:
All Scouts, parents, and adult leaders are participants of Pack 255 and represent their community, family, and local Scouting Council. Therefore, all Scouts, parents, and adult leaders are asked to sign the attached “Code of Conduct” to acknowledge receipt and understanding of these guidelines.
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